How I won a Galaxy S7.. Twice? LMAO

First of all, What the hell is happening? excuse my language.

-->Win like me, click here--<

Two days ago I get Link in my email( I thought it was spam). It's going on about how I can win a new Samsung Galaxy. I'm an Iphone guy, but I gave it a shot.

I went to this Link ---> CLICK HERE<--- and did everything they asked me and went to Chipotle. I got a bowl, but that's beside the point.

Image result for chipotle meme

I thought I would just do it again to boost my odds of winning. SOOOOO I did it again and YES, the Chipotle was amazing!! ---> CLICK HERE FOR CHIPOTLE. JK. A GALAXY---<

FINALLY. I was coming home to write a blog post and my gf called me " DID YOU ORDER TWO SAMSUNG GALAXIES??!!! What is your problem??!!". After I calmed her down we went to celebrate our  new phones. Guess where we went to eat? <3


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